Saturday 23 August 2008

Declaration Opposes Transplant Commercialism, Transplant Tourism, And Organ Trafficking

�All countries should take on steps to govern hammond organ donation and transplantation, thereby ensuring affected role safety and prohibiting unethical practices, according to an article appearing in the September 2008 issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). The document is a consensus of more than 150 representatives of scientific and medical bodies from around the world, authorities officials, social scientists, and ethicists, wHO met in Istanbul, Turkey, this spring.

Unethical practices related to transplantation include electric organ trafficking (the illicit sales agreement of human organs), transplant commercialism (when an pipe organ is tempered as a commodity), and transplant touristry (when organs given to patients from outside a country cave the country's ability to provide organs for its own population). The Declaration of Istanbul states that because unethical practices are an unwanted consequence of the world-wide shortage of organs for transplantation, each country should implement programs to prevent organ failure and should provide variety meat to meet the transplant needs of its residents from donors within its own population. The therapeutic potential of deceased pipe organ donation should also be maximized.

In an introduction to the Declaration, Dr. Francis Delmonico, professor of surgical operation at Harvard Medical School, emeritus professor of nephritic transplantation at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and the Director of Medical Affairs at The Transplantation Society (TTS), noted that with the increasing use of the Internet and the willingness of patients in rich countries to travel and purchase organs, organ trafficking and transplant tourism have become global problems. Through these practices, which target vulnerable populations in resource-poor countries, "the poor who betray their organs are organism exploited, whether by richer people within their have countries or by transplant tourists from abroad," he wrote. Dr. Delmonico added that transfer tourists also risk physical harm by unregulated and illegal transplantation.

Participants in the Istanbul Summit urge transplant professionals to put an end to these activities and to foster safe and ethical practices for both transfer recipients and donors. The Declaration outlines a telephone number of steps that rump help step-up deceased organ donation and ensure the protection and safety of living donors. It will be submitted to professional organizations and to the health authorities of all countries for consideration. "The legacy of transplantation must not be the needy victims of organ trafficking and transplant tourism but rather a celebration of the giving of health by one individual to another," the Declaration states.

The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) endorses The Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism. ASN stands with The Transplantation Society, the International Society of Nephrology, and other organizations in condemnatory these practices.

The article, entitled "The Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism," will appear online at on Wednesday, August 13, 2008, and in the September 2008 print number of CJASN.

ASN is a not-for-profit organisation of 11,000 physicians and scientists dedicated to the study of nephrology and committed to providing a forum for the promulgation of information regarding the a la mode research and clinical findings on kidney diseases. ASN publishes CJASN, the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), and the Nephrology Self-Assessment Program (NephSAP). In January 2009, the Society will launch ASN Kidney News, a newsmagazine for nephrologists, scientists, allied wellness professionals, and staff.

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Wednesday 13 August 2008

Download Snowy White

Snowy White

Artist: Snowy White: mp3 download





No Faith Required

 No Faith Required

   Year: 1996   

Tracks: 8


   Year: 1995   

Tracks: 5
Highway To The Sun

 Highway To The Sun

   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 11
That Certain Thing

 That Certain Thing

   Year: 1987   

Tracks: 10
Snowy White

 Snowy White

   Year: 1984   

Tracks: 10
White Flames

 White Flames

   Year: 1983   

Tracks: 10

British-born blues/rock guitar player Snowy White low became interested in music at age 11, when he heard urban blue devils performers care B.B. King, Otis Rush, and Buddy Guy, and was elysian to give his possess uninfected, hard-edged fashion of British vapors.

After moving to London in the early '70s, White spent the decennary forging his sound and playing with like-minded artists such as Pink Floyd, Peter Green, and Thin Lizzy. In 1979 Thin Lizzy asked White to conjoin them as a full-time band member; he did, touring and recording Chinatown and The Renegade with them.

In quest of different musical directions, White left Thin Lizzy in 1982. Joined by drummer Richard Bailey, bassist Kuma Harada, and keyboardist Godfrey Wang, he recorded his solo debut White River Flames. Its unmarried "Dame of Paradise" became an international tally, reaching number ternary on the U.K. charts.

Not content to be known as a singles creative person, White rethought his approach to music. After decision making to stress on his guitar performing, he formed a touring blues band in 1986 with Harada, drummer Jeff Allen, and vocalist/guitarist Graham Bell. For three eld the band toured and recorded, releasing Change My Life and Open for Business.

In 1990, however, White's older friend Roger Waters offered him a supporting one-armed bandit in his epical Berlin execution of The Wall. White performed a memorable solo during "Comfortably Numb" atop the 80-foot high Berlin Wall, alongside other guest artists like Van Morrison and Bryan Adams. Waters too called on White the following year to play with him at the Guitar Legends concert in Seville.

At this head, White decided to re-enter the euphony mainstream, and recorded songs he had gathered over the past tense few age. The result was 1993's Highway to the Sun, his secondment solo album, featuring guests like David Gilmour, Chris Rea, and Gary Moore. His next album, Goldtop, was a retrospective musical composition, covering White's do work from the early '70s to the '90s. 1998 saw the freeing of Small Wing, recorded with drummer Juan van Emmerloot and bassist Walter Latapeirissa as White's new backup band; Thawing followed a yr later.


Wednesday 6 August 2008


Artist: Slutmachine



Weight 7Lbs 4 Ozs Lenght 21 In   
 Weight 7Lbs 4 Ozs Lenght 21 In

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 4